How to choose the right driveway pavers

Driveways are often overlooked. Your home’s design can be a huge effect on your property’s overall value. So, when preparing to improve your driveway, consider these five tips.


1. Evaluate the amount of traffic.

You must choose more durable driveway pavers to anticipate heavy and frequent foot and vehicle traffic. There are heaps of paving materials to choose from so it’s best to identify which one will suit your environment and lifestyle.

2. Decide on the material.

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A good driveway usually has a premium base of compacted sand and gravel. Once this has set, you can finish it with heavy duty materials such as concrete, stone or bricks.

Again, it’s best to examine the suitability of your driveway paver material to your home and preferred frequency in maintaining it.

Reputable suppliers should be able to assist you in assessing the ideal material for your property.

3. Invest in quality.

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Pavers are a bit pricey compared to poured concrete driveways. However, driveway pavers can last longer than solid driveway options. Plus, they only require minimal maintenance. Don’t buy the cheapest product, buy the best value for your money.

4. Pay attention to the design details.

The design of your home is another factor you should look at to ensure your paver matches it well. The look and composition of your driveway must also mesh well with the existing elements within your garden. Paying attention to the design details can enhance your property’s value.

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5. Consider the climate.

Extreme weather conditions prevalent in most Australian suburban areas can have an effect on your chosen material for your driveway paver.  So choose well and consult with an experienced supplier.

Driveway pavers can cause positively dramatic changes to the facade of your property. It’s always best to gather information first to make better decisions. Just remember that the lowest cost is not necessarily the best choice.

DIY ways to fix a clogged sink drain

Every residential kitchen can at least to the frustrations we feel over common problems such as clogged drains. Only time will tell but you’ll eventually ring up a professional to help fix the problem for you. Bathroom renovations in Wollongong are usually just a call away.

If you’re saving up through for some reason, then these DIY methods can be the answer to your issues with your clogged sink drain.

1. Baking soda and vinegar

You probably heard this several times already – but mixing baking soda and vinegar will definitely help fix your clogged sink drain.

Simply prepare a third of vinegar and baking soda in a good measuring cup. Once it’s been mixed slowly pour it down your drain. It’s proven to break down any substance that has long built up in your pipe. 

Flush it with hot water after an hour or even overnight to rinse all the bad stuff away.

2. The bent wire hanger

If you have a wire coat hanger at home, straighten it. Then, bend one end over to create a small hook and push it past the drain cover. Now, start pulling all sorts of nasty stuff that have gone into the drain.

After having done all you can to remove or unclog any debris buildup, finish it off by pouring down hot water.

3. Caustic Soda

Caustic soda or Sodium Hydroxide is available in almost every local hardware shop. Buy some for this next method.

Add 3 cups of caustic soda into ¾ gallon of cold water. Stir well using an old wooden spoon. EWhen you see the chemical reacting and changing in temperature, pour it without following up with any water rinse for 30 minutes.  After that, flush the drain with boiling water.

Repeat these steps if necessary.

4. Plunger

For low sink drains, using a plunger can be the most ideal option. Plunging can help loosen and dislodge debris that is collected in the pipe.

Remove the metal strainer and fill the sink halfway full with water.

Similar to unclogging your toilet, firmly hold the plunger to cause it to seal the entire opening of the drain. Plunge 6-10 times in vigorous strokes to remove the blockage. You need to check the drain periodically to see if it’s draining.

Do you know any more DIY ways to unclog a sink drain? Let us know in the comments section!

DIY home plumbing kit must-haves (Part 2)

It’s best to come prepared for every plumbing-related emergency that may take place at home. And having the right tools at hand will allow you to handle basic problems like a pro.

Previously, we listed five tools that should be included in one’s DIY plumbing essentials: plunger, toolbox and tools, gloves, flashlight, and strong adhesive. To help you become even prepared for unexpected issues, we’re here to provide you with a few more useful items.


Needle-nose pliers

A pair of these comes in handy when working on tight spots and tiny parts. Needle-nose pliers get the job done when cutting and gripping small tubing.

Also, this is a staple in almost every plumbers’ kit since its pointed figure gets to extend to hard-to-reach areas. We all know how important this is in the plumbing trade where narrow piping is everywhere.

Five-gallon bucket

Handling plumbing work means you get to deal with dripping pipes and clean up unwanted puddles. One effective way to reduce all the mess is placing a bucket alongside some old towels underneath leaking areas.

Plumber’s putty and caulk

Both of these items are excellent quick fixes to leaks. Plumber’s putty is water-resistant and caulks pretty much does the job in sealing gaps.

In case of emergency leaks, what you’ll need to do is squeeze the putty inside the area of leakage. If you think you’ve applied enough of the material, that’s when you seal it with caulk to provide a strong finish.

Both plumber’s putty and caulk don’t last forever. It’s best to call an expert plumber from Peakhurst for toilet, tub or sink replacement, especially when huge cracks develop.

Teflon tape

Also known as ‘plumber’s tape’, this material is often used to get a waterproof seal on threaded pipe joints. Other than that, it smooths the threading and stops pipes from sticking by providing lubrication to the connection.

Plumber’s tape is great to use on threaded connections that don’t have a built-in rubber seal. It is usually used on shower arms, threaded tub spouts, and showerheads.

To those who live in the east of Sydney CBD, it’s advisable to seek help from plumbers when dealing with blocked drains in the Eastern Suburbs. But having the above items can help you take care of minor plumbing emergencies, or at least keep damages to a minimum before professional help arrives.

4 electrical emergencies that need immediate attention

There are several electrical issues that escalate into serious (and sometimes fatal) problems when not given immediate attention. These occur from time to time because not everyone is capable of distinguishing life-and-death electrical emergencies from minor fluctuations.

It’s crucial that you get hold of an expert electrician if you encounter any of the electrical emergencies below.

Overloaded circuit

Electrical circuits can only carry a limited amount of electricity. Simultaneously plugging way too many appliances and devices into an outlet can cause buzzing switches, scorched plugs and burning odours—especially if you have an old circuit breaker. These may eventually lead to fire or other life-and-death problems.

If any of the signs mentioned above happen, call an electrician immediately. As for homeowners with functional circuit breakers, tripping could be the only effect of an electrical overload. Do some serious damage control by investing in one.

Uncovered wiring

No, electric shocks aren’t the only hazards behind exposed wiring/cabling. It’s extremely important to ensure all electrical wires and cables are protected to prevent them from producing sparks that may lead to a fire.

As soon as you see uncovered wiring or cabling, call a local electrician to eliminate the threats that go with it. And before an expert deals with it, make sure no person or pet touches it.

Lightning strikes

Lightning hits are quite common in Australia, and at some point, they hit Aussie homes outright. If lightning does strike your house, it’s advisable that you call a professional electrician in the Hills District immediately to assess damages and check for possible fire occurrences.

Before electrical inspectors arrive, it’s best to wait outside with all members of the household to keep everyone safe in the event a fire does break out.

Bad wiring

Old houses with faulty wiring are prone to numerous electrical hazards. All properties need to be rewired once in a while to keep electrical systems in good shape. By contrast, neglecting your home’s wiring can increase the odds of serious problems like arc faults, power surges and house fires.

Before moving into an old house in the Hills Shire in New South Wales, ask yourself ‘Is there a professional electrician in Castle Hill or anywhere in the area that can help us enjoy optimal electricity usage in our future home?’

Stay tuned for more tips about electrical matters around the home.




Why you shouldn’t rush asphalting projects

Bumpy and cracked asphalt roads test our patience all the time.

As a pedestrian or a motorist, the first thought that will probably come to mind is ‘When are they going to fix this stupid asphalt road?’ After getting an answer, the second question would be ‘How much time will it take to get the job done?’

We all want damaged and outdated roads to be repaired as quickly as possible. But experienced asphalt companies in Sydney that want to deliver the best possible results will tell this to all impatient clients: ‘Rushing asphalting projects is never a good idea’.

Read on to find out why asphalting projects shouldn’t be rushed.

Rushed asphalting projects will end up in cracks

Don’t expect materials to be measured precisely when in a rush.

You’ve probably seen asphalting projects with cracks on them. It is possible that the tradies who made it might have been pressed for time and so the amount of water added in the mix wasn’t measured as precisely as they wanted it to be.

Cracks are caused by shrinkage. The latter occurs because of too much water in the mix.

It’s not visible to the naked eye but asphalt projects like driveways continue to dry even if they’re solid enough to be stepped or driven on.

As an asphalt driveway dries and hardens, water evaporates from the mix. Too much water will cause forces in the driveway to pull the slabs apart; thus, the cracks.

It’s important to note that the wetter the mixture is, the easier it will be to apply but the more likely it will crack in the future.

Don’t shrug off the curing time

Curing is the last stage in every concreting or asphalting project that is often not taken seriously. This process may include covering the concrete with a tarp for seven days or using a spray-on chemical.

But little do many people know that the strength of poorly-cured asphalt gets reduced by up to 50%.

Shrinkage, cracking and dusting signify that an asphalt driveway wasn’t given enough time to cure.

Walking on new asphalt is possible after 24 hours. Car owners, however, need to wait for three to five days before driving on a new asphalt driveway.

When repairing asphalt roads and driveways, usability shouldn’t outshine quality. People may start walking and driving on asphalt that’s been ‘done’ but based on how the job was carried out, how long will the results last?

Design ideas that bring nature into your bathroom

For most people, a bathroom is a place of personal haven. It should be clean, relaxing and beautiful.

In 2018, organic and natural styles are all the rage. Bathroom designs with nature-themed colours and stone, brick or wood materials are the trend.

If you’re ready for a bathroom renovation in Wollongong, here are natural design ideas to inspire you!

1. Decorate with greenery

People have been adding life and colour to their bathrooms with flowers and plants. Not only will they make your bathroom beautiful but will also help create cleaner air.


Some of the best plants for your bathroom include Aloe Vera, Heart Leaf Philodendron, Orchid, Spider Plant, Succulent and more!

2. Incorporate wood

Incorporating wood or wood-like materials to your bathroom immediately gives it a more natural feel.


Wood is a great design that can easily complement nature-themed bathrooms. You can use it on the flooring and wall panelling or incorporate it as small detailing on cabinets and drawers.

3. Opt for larger windows

Natural light really does wonders to a bathroom’s overall look. And opting for larger windows will spice up your décor and help you conserve energy.


Windows like opaque glass panels reflect natural light and help make the bathroom feel large and open.

4. Choose calming colours

If choosing larger windows and wood designs in your bathroom isn’t doable, you can still achieve a natural look in other ways.

It’s all about mimicking the colours found in nature and choosing which one suits your style best.


If you prefer a refreshing feel to your bathroom, a mixture of mint green and white colours will do wonders! For a natural and relaxing vibe, stone or wood is a must.

A bathroom that is beautiful, relaxing and clean can melt the stress of even the busiest days. And you have a lot of designs to choose from to turn it into a personal haven.

A few simple changes can create an entirely new vibe, but if you’re planning for a full makeover, there are bathroom renovation experts in Wollondilly that could help you get the job done perfectly.


How to create a brilliant driveway

Driveways are far too often overlooked in terms of their importance. An attractive, well-built driveway will not only be something you’re happy to come home to by increasing your homes kerb appeal, but it will add value to your home. So, if you’ve been considering contacting asphalt contractors, here are some ways to create a brilliant driveway.

First and foremost, your driveway should complement its surroundings. That is, it should be similar in style to that of your house, but different enough to stand out. Driveway pavers are a great choice as they are very versatile, they can come in many different shapes and colours and they are quite affordable.

Bring your driveway to life with nature is always a beautiful look. Surround it with plants, trees and/or flowers will go a long way. They’re a great way to add colour whilst also adding that nice touch of nature, a look that will very much increase the ambience of your home.

Instead of pavers, you may opt for a bitumen driveway. Subtly coloured bitumen can look great and will accompany most homes in terms of style. Sometimes less is more, so these driveways can stand out a lot. They’re also a lot easier to maintain and will not generally require much cleaning. Bitumen driveways are very affordable too.

You may be interested in a gravel driveway if it’s going to suit the style of your home. Be wary of this style however, especially if your driveway is sloped. Sloped gravel driveways will gradually build up at the bottom and the driveway will look very untidy. If the gravel driveway is flat, it will require sweeping quite often in order to keep it looking nice, so consider this.

When you’re looking to create a great driveway, it’s important to consider the style of your home first and foremost, and the nature of the area in which you live. A brilliant driveway will go a long way, as great kerb appeal is the key to an inviting home.

3 signs your asphalt driveway needs maintenance

Asphalt is known to be a stable and hard-wearing material, making it perfect for driveways. However, even though asphalt is known to be very resilient to wear and tear, it’s not indestructible. The condition of your asphalt driveway can still deteriorate, just like the condition of any other driveway. If your driveway is showing any of these three sings of deterioration, fear not. There are many asphalt companies in Sydney that can help restore your driveway’s condition.

Weeds and Trees

If the garden that surrounds your driveway is left unkept, weeds and tree roots can get under your driveway and begin to slowly damage it from the ground up, resulting in cracks and parts of your asphalt driveway breaking away. If you want to stop nature from taking over your driveway, be sure to maintain the parts of your garden that surround your driveway. Although there are plenty of Sydney-based asphalt companies that help you once the damage is done, it’s best to not let it get to that stage.


If your asphalt driveway is on a slope, or if the driveway was poorly developed, there may be parts of it where water can begin to pool. If left unchecked, the water that pools in these parts of your driveway will cause the driveway to deteriorate, resulting in cracks and even deeper water pools developing. In this instance, you need to repair these before they get any worse. As rain causes damage to all types of infrastructure in Sydney, asphalt companies are equipped to repair your driveway if the damage is too great.

These are just some of the symptoms which you need to be on the look out for to determine the state of your asphalt driveway. Are there any other signs or symptoms that we’ve missed? Let us know if the comments below!

5 common habits that may be clogging your drain

A clogged drain is a nightmare! This would need services rendered by a professional.

Luckily, there’s a plumber from Peakhurst that can offer professional services for your clogged drain. Many plumbing issues don’t form or appear overnight, they slowly progress over time.

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Here are common habits that might be clogging your drain:

1. Letting hair into the drain.

Hair may not seem to be a problem at first. As it builds up, it can clog the shower drain, making it slow or even impossible for water to go down.

Make sure to keep your drain hair-free, investing on a hair catcher or strainers won’t be a pain in your pocket.

2. Dumping Coffee Grounds in the sink.

Coffee grounds are almost like cement in pipes. They can slow your drainage once they fill up the pipes.

Instead of throwing them into the sink, use coffee grounds as an excellent fertiliser! Your garden will surely benefit.

3. Pouring hot grease down your drain.

Never pour grease down your drain. Hot grease turns into a hard substance that sticks inside pipes.

If your drain gets clogged because of grease, pour hot water into the sink as it liquefies the grease and allows it to move along the pipes.

4. Throwing toiletries.

Some porous bathroom or hygiene products don’t dissolve when wet and can surely clog your drain!

Avoid throwing products that you think won’t easily dissolve, especially in toilets. Toss them in the garbage bin instead.

5. Disposing plants into the drainage.

Shrubs and leaves can cause issues for your drain. Leaves aren’t the only the ones that cause the clogging, but the roots too!

As some plants search for water, they can grow and stay alive since a drainage can be their source of water.

A lot of our habits can cause clogged drains, that’s why it’s best to be responsible in disposing waste.

When plumbing problems arise, there’s a professional plumber in Revesby who will surely help you solve your drainage problems anytime.

5 common bathroom renovation mistakes

A bathroom isn’t just for personal hygiene activities, it’s also a place to relax and unwind.  So, it’s important to know how to bring out the best in it.

Renovating a bathroom can take a lot of time and money. So, we’ve listed down five of the most common mistakes and how you could avoid them.

1. No planned budget

One of the things that homeowners tend to overlook when renovating a bathroom is planning a budget. Without this, you’d end up spending too much money.

Having a dream design is great, but it’s important to find out how much everything will cost down to the last item. It’s better to be prepared for the list of expenses you’ll have than to end up with an unfinished bathroom.

2. Mixed style

Having a bathroom that looks like a collection of different design trends isn’t a good idea.  Look for a certain style and stick to it.


Ensuring consistency is what you need to do. It’s important to consider the overall style and colour scheme of your house when choosing the right design.

3. DIY-ing

This might seem a better option for homeowners who want to save money when renovating their bathrooms, but it actually does the exact opposite.

Hiring a tradie that specialises in bathroom renovations in Sydney is the best option. It’s costly but it guarantees that the job is done right and will save you a lot of money (and headaches!) in the long-term.

4. Inadequate storage

Bathroom storage is really important. Sadly, most people tend to overlook it.


Think about the things you want to store in your bathroom. For example, use eye-level cupboards for items you use daily. And then under the counter storage for the things you don’t.

There are a lot of items that you use daily, so storage shouldn’t just be an afterthought.

5. Insufficient ventilation

Installing bathroom fans isn’t the most exciting part of a renovation, but it’s essential in maintaining clean air and removing odour.

Furthermore, having a bathroom fan will help remove steam and humidity that ruin paint job.

You can always achieve the bathroom of your dreams if you prepare and plan for it. And we hope this list helps you on that path to success.

If not, feel free to share some mistakes or problems you’ve experienced in renovating bathrooms in the comments below.